Should you trust a "gut feeling?"
Intellectually, things make sense. He is gainfully employed in his field of choice. You are well aware of the economic reality of your society and that employment is not guaranteed these days, but he is also fairly level-headed and ambitious. He's shared his plan B. He works hard - that's a plus. He asks about your son and family. He is financially responsible. There are a few areas that need some work - communication, for example. However, he is also aware of his areas for improvement and you are comfortable with giving him the space and time to make the improvements that he has identified that he would like to work on. Self-directed self-improvement - you can get down with that. Intrinsic motivation, you go boy!

So then, why is your gut still unsure. There is not logical or emotional reasoning to it, but something between your sternum and your pelvis is unsettled at the thought of the possibility of true exclusive commitment and longevity with this person.
When everything else adds up, how much stock should we put in a gut feeling?
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