"Jump in with both feet!"
"Fall hard - the bruises are worth it."
"Be careful....you can't trust anyone really."
"Take your time and go slowly, but give folks a chance."
"What's the point? Even if things lead to a ring, chances are you'll get divorced anyways...."
(These are just a few of the highlights.)
So now I'm appealing to those of you who have stumbled across my little pice of the cyberworld. I've recently started dating someone. He's lovely, but things are still new. (I'm not practicing my married signature or anything.) Here's my dilemma: he's not from the same city as me. Actually we hail from two different countries, but his profession has brought him to a city near me until the end of the year. There is a chance he could be back next year, but we won't know until we know. Here's the question: is it worth it to even get to know this person, understanding that we are (to seal a line from Miss Carrie Bradshaw) "expiration dating?" It's already time-stamped. And since, ultimately, I'm not just dating for kicks and giggles, is spending my time with the Globetrotter a waste? Or is it always worth the time if you're happy?
That's the question. Your thoughts are appreciated....